Weekly Programs
Mondays 2:45 pm Monday Fun-Days (for kids 5-12)
2/3 Knitting & Crocheting
2/10 Craft-a-Thon
No program 2/17, 2/24
Tuesdays 11am Preschool Story Time (for kids 2-5 and their caregivers)
Stories, songs, activities, crafts. Something new each week!
2/4 Dollhouses
2/11 Valentines
2/18 All Thumbs
No program2/25
Thursdays 2:45pm **NEW PROGRAM** Virtual Reality Games (for kids 8 and up)
Use our VR Goggles for age-appropriate games
No program 2/27
Fridays 10:15-11:15am Let's Talk, adult discussion group
Discuss a different topic every week. A thoughtful, safe, and open discussion. Coffee included!
2/7 Random Acts of Kindness
2/14 Ideal Valentine's Day
2/21 Black History & DEI
2/28 Favorite Fairy Tales
February Programs
Tuesdays 12:30-2:30 Learn to Play Mah Jongg
A beginner's lesson on the popular Chinese tile game.

Friday, February 7th 11:30am Frugal Ways to Save Money
A round-table discussion of different ways to save money. Share what works for you, and learn new tips. Part of our Simple Living program series.
Thursday, February 13th Noon OR Saturday, February 15th 9am Readers Cafe Book Discussion
February's book is Cassandra in Reverse by Holly Smale. Click here for details
Saturday, February 22nd 11am Special Event at the Library - Teddy Bear Dance Party
Bring your favorite doll or stuffie and come to the party! We’ll have music and fun activities. Snacks too!
Thursday, February 27th 6pm Trivia Night
It's back! Join in the fun of our monthly trivia program. Bring yourself and your friends for some friendly competition. All ages welcome!